Hello hello! Some of you may know that I looooove cooking. I enjoy trying new spices and ingredients. And you'll understand how thrilled I was when I received some dried pomegranate arils from Zoë Ray at my mailbox. Of course, I already knew the fruit given that we eat and drink pomegranates in Peru, but I hadn't tried the dried version.
When it comes to fresh pomegranates, I have no issues: some arils in a fruit salad or in a smoothie and that's fine, but how am I supposed to work with dried arils? How exciting! So I turned to my good friend Google and:
How do I use it?
Simple! You can eat it alone as a healthy snack, or add it to your cereal or muesli (the dried arils can bring a crunchy texture to your morning recipes then). Because of its texture, you can also add it to your salads as well. Dried pomegranates arils go well with chocolate, pistachios and cheese. And why not adding some to our next couscous or quinoa bowl? Here two ideas I had using Zoë Ray's dried pomegranate arils...
You can find these dried pomegranate arils (and some other pomegranate products) at Zoë Ray (they ship in all Switzerland). As for me, I'm glad I got to discover a new ingredient and I might order some pomegranate juice (apparently it's delicious with game, as a marinade).
Have you already tried this? Tell me about it! :)
Mehr lesenDieses leckere Frühstück oder Snack kann ganz einfach am Tag zuvor zubereitet werden.
Alles in ein Glas abfüllen und am nächsten Morgen mit zur Arbeit nehmen.
Rezept für eine Portion
- Handvoll frische Granatapfel Kerne
- 2 EL Chia Samen
- 3 EL Haferflocken
- 250 ML Milch (nach Belieben. Ich habe Hafer- und Cashewmilch gemischt)
- etwas Vanillepaste oder Vanilleessence
- ½ TL Zimt
- 2 TL Kakaonibs
Zuerst die Milch mit den Chiasamen und Haferflocken gut vermengen, danach die restlichen Zutaten dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Die Masse in ein Glas abfüllen und gut verschlossen über Nacht im Kühlschrank aufbewahren. Am nächsten Morgen ist das Frühstück ready.
100 G frische oder gefrorene Himbeeren
150 G frische Granatäpfel (diese hier sind von zoeray.ch)
2 TL Leinsamen
1 TL Chiasamen
250ml hausgemachte Mandel- oder Cashewmilch
Alles in den Mixer geben, bis zur gewünschten Konsistenz mixen. Allenfalls etwas mehr Milch dazugeben.
150 Gr Granatapfel Kerne
100 Gr Erdbeeren (frisch oder gefroren)
½ Banane
2-3 frische Basilikum Blätter
250 – 300 ml Milch nach Wahl (ich habe eine Vanille Hafermilch verwendet)
1 Tl Kakaonibs als Deko
Banane schälen und mit den restlichen Zutaten im Mixer zu einem leckeren Smoothie mixen. Mit den Kakaonibs dekorieren und frisch geniessen.
- 200 g Kakaobutter
- 3-5 TL Ahorn- oder Agavensirup
- 50 g Kakaopulver
- 1 TL Vanilleextrakt
- 1 Prise Salz
- getrocknete Granatapfel Kernen
Silikonförmchen zum Befüllen vorbereiten.
Gekühlt sind sie sind ca. 3-4 Wochen haltbar
The bright color, light sweetness, and tart flavor make pomegranate seeds work in salad sort of the same way tomatoes work, which made me think they would be an excellent match with the creamy smooth rich flavor of avocados. This salad is one of those super simple combinations that is magically more than the sum of its parts.
Mehr lesenPomegranates or “granadas” in Spanish are an ancient fruit, used before the Roman times. In fact, the city of "Granada" is named after the pomegranate! In the streets of Granada, there are pomegranate symbols everywhere you go. Around the Mediterranean, which includes the Middle East, pomegranates are a popular fruit to be eaten fresh or cooked in jellies, jams, desserts and sauces. This recipe is colorful and has a very festive look, so we like to serve it at Thanksgiving.
Prep Time 15 min
Mehr lesenThis salad is not only eye-catching, but is great-tasting. The ruby red pomegranate seeds combine with the green lettuce and the yellow and green avocado, not to mention the pink shrimp. All the ingredients are grown in the Mediterranean and are in season in the Fall, making it a great choice for holiday dining.
Mehr lesenFor lunch on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, after everyone feels a bit heavy from too many holiday meals, I like to serve this fresh and light Pomegranate Apple Salad. It complements the spirit of the holiday by using the two fruits upon which blessings have been made.
Mehr lesenPomegranate seeds go extremely well with olives (crazy but true!). Serve pomegranate seeds alongside olives (pictured here with a sprig of mint for color) with drinks or sprinkle black olive tapenade with a few pomegranate seeds for a fabulous tart-sweet-salty-bitter burst of flavors.
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